Monday, February 19, 2018


Wednesday 7th

Today the teacher explained us our first presentation. This presentation is to understand more in deep what “School Guidance and Counselling is”, he gave us eight questions that we will have to understand and explain in a presentation. He also gave us the material for finding this information.

                             The questions were these ones:

-What is school guidance counselling?
 -What are its functions and its main areas?
-Who receives the school guidance and counselling services?
 -What services are provided in the school guidance and counselling programmes?
-Who provides these services?
-When are the school guidance counselling services provided?
-Where are they provided?

We read the information and saw the videos Miguel gave us for understanding the topic and then my group and I tried to answer the questions. As we are four, we divide ourselves in pairs for distributing the time and having time to finish looking up all the information. What we intend is to explain to each other what we have understood in order to understand perfectly all the questions, even those that the other pair answered.

Monday 12th
Today we all explained what we had understood to see if we had a similar idea and that's how it was. In addition we review all the questions and look for more information apart that we could add to the presentation.

We start preparing a Prezi, because we will present mainly relying on images. We did not finish the Prezi, so we will finish it this afternoon to have everything ready for Wednesday, the day of the presentation! We are group one, so we present the first!!

Wednesday 14th
The teacher did not come to class, so we did not present, the presentations are postponed to Monday 19.

Monday 19th
Presentations about School Guidance and Counselling. My group was the first one presenting and we were really nervious, we think that it came out much worse than it should have been for all the work we did, but these things can happen, we hope next time is better.

The teacher asked us what mark we would put ourselves, we think that a 7 or 8, because the mark should not only reflect what it is seen, but all the work behind. He said that if he had to put any mark on us it would be a 7.

I listened to the presentations of all my classmates and I think we all worked a lot and it was good, although all the presentations went about the same thing it did not become very tough.

I leave you here our prezi with all the developed questions: 

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