Monday, February 5, 2018

Let's think....1, 2, 4 method

Monday 5th 

Today is the first day of class, as normally, the teacher has presented himself and he told us how he normally organise the semester: learning by doing. No exams, but projects and presentations that he will explain as the occasion arises.

What I liked the most was that he did not tell us that that was going to be the method, but if it seemed good to the whole class it would be.

Usually the student's opinion is not heard for this type of decisions, and I thought it was very good for him. we liked the idea of organizing the semester like this, although we were a bit misplaced because we are not used to it, he told us that it was normal and that little by little we would catch the method and we would get used to it.

When we have a new subject we do not even understand the name of it, we do not know what we will learn or what it is going. Moreover, many times we do not stop to think about it until the teacher arrives and says: "in this subject we will learn blablabla".

Okay, so this time it was not like that, we had to think a bit of exactly what is: “Orientación Educativa y Acción Tutorial” and its translation to english. For this, We did the 1,2,4 method. This is: first we tried to define it individually, then in pairs and finally in groups of four.

Nobody came up with the concrete translation, although we all got a little closer, mines was: “Educational Guidance and tutorship”. And my definition: ‘A subject where we are going to learn important things about how teaching and what teaching involves, and the relation of teachers and students.’

Then we saw two videos, one of Rita Pierson: ‘Todo niño necesita un campeón’ (, and other of Emilio Lledó ( I liked the videos, and of the second one I wrote some interesting quotes he said, but my favourite one was: ‘Los seres humanos aman más que odian’. After watching the videos we add things to our definitions so that they were more complete, I added the importance of showing in schools freedom of thought, values, ethics and  attitudes, teaching is just a part of education, for having education we need many other aspects.

My definition in pairs was: ‘A subject in which we will learn that there are different perspectives of understanding education, becoming concious of what education involves: more than teaching (freedom of thought, ethics, human relationships and attitudes.

And our definition in groups of four was almost the same as the one in pairs, because when we were going to put our pair definitions is common we realize that we were saying the same but with other words.

After all this work, we now know many more things than before. The last activity we did was putting into common among the hole class, every group went to the blackboard and wrote two key words of our definitions, and at the end the words were these ones: perspectives, critical thinking, to guide, freedom, relationships, values, human flourishing, care, showing and communication.

So, in conclusion today I have learned that education is not just teaching,  it is more than that.

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