Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tutorial Action Plan on practice!

Wednesday 7th

Today we have learned through a different methodology.  The topic was the activities that we can do for using the Tutorial Action Plan.

First of all, our teacher explained us some concepts supporting on a prezi ( The concepts were about the different organisms that participate on the Tutorial Action. For using it correctly, we need a PAT (Tutorial Action Plan), headmaster, consejo escolar, CCP, head of studies, guidance team, teachers/tutor, teaching team, parents and students. These members constitute the educational community that is the most important part of a Tutorial Action Plan.

Then, six volunteers went to the centre of the class and the rest of the class were put around the six volunteers in another circle. The ones that were in the middle had a paper with some parts of the definition of guidance, the rest of the class had different situations that fit with one part of the definition. Each person of the class started telling the sentence of the situation they had, the ones that were in the centre had to fit that situations on the part of the definition. 

I was not one of the six people in the centre, but we all could see the difficulty to ordering the information in a PAT, it seemed very messy because some situations fit on many definitions. 

Here you can see the activity with all the functions and parts of the definition ordered:

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